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FAMILY VIDEO SCRAPBOOKS: The Phillips Family of Marshall, Texas

As a gift to her mother, Louisa Garrett of Dallas asked Backtrackers Genealogy to track her parents' family trees, and to help her nieces, nephews, and cousins understand the family of 16 children, of whom her mother was the eldest.

Surprisingly, we were able to track her East Texas family back to 1840, despite the normal difficulties with finding histories for specific black people in the American South. 

But an online tree wasn't enough for Ms. Garrett, a Public Relations and Marketing specialist. She wanted a good story to tell.


So we created The Phillips Family of Marshall, Texas, an 8-minute video scrapbook that showcases Ms. Garrett's grandparents, Alonzo and Gertha Ola Phillips, as well as Mrs. Phillips' mother Valrie Cole, at the center of the story of a dynasty.

"Backtrackers Genealogy brought my family history to life through this video. They got it right. It literally rendered my mom speechless and brought her to tears. Tracie Burns is a jewel and a joy to work with, and because of the love she put into this project, she will forever be a member of our family.”        ~Louisa Garrett

The Phillips' 16 children had 35 children, who in turn had 47 children who, as of August 2017, had had 23 children. 121 offspring in all. This video scrapbook shows the sense of family and belonging that "Big Daddy and Madea" gave their family.

The Phillips Family of Marshall Texas
The Phillips Family of Marshall Texas, Alonzo Phillips, Gertha Ola Phillips
Phiillips Family of Marshall Texas, Regina Garrett Louisa Garrett

"When I first saw the Family video, we had to keep pausing it so that my Auntie could tell us who each person was and how they are related to us. This video has sparked a curiosity, and I am excited to learn more about my family."  
~ Tiffany Hairston, Dallas

Give us a call today to get started on your family history video scrapbook.
Or email Backtrackers Genealogy.

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